Post Stroke Spasticity: What is the best treatment

Post Stroke Spasticity: What is the best treatment

Post stroke spasticity is a movement disorder that occurs in approximately 25-43% of people who have had a stroke.  This (frustrating) movement problem can be painful, cause soft tissue stiffness, joint contracture, and abnormal limb posture.  Along these same lines,...
It is spasticity, NOT foot drop

It is spasticity, NOT foot drop

Is it really foot drop (also called drop foot)? If you have an upper motor neuron lesion (damage to your brain or spinal cord), drop foot may NOT be the best term to describe your symptoms. Yes, your foot points down and you can’t dorsiflex (lift the foot up) your...
Fix a stiff leg after a stroke

Fix a stiff leg after a stroke

What is a “stiff leg”?A stroke can cause many different leg problems that can make walking difficult. One problem is (what some people refer to as) a “stiff leg”.  So, what exactly is a stiff leg? Well, do you ever feel like at the exact moment...
Dual-task exercise training after a stroke

Dual-task exercise training after a stroke

A stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability.  Neuroplasticity (the brains ability to reorganize) is the foundation of regaining movement, and ultimately independence. This requires repetitive practice, of the correct movements, performed in the right...
8 Truths about Stroke Rehabilitation

8 Truths about Stroke Rehabilitation

The CDC reports someone in the US suffers a stroke every 40 seconds and is the leading cause of long term disability.  A stroke can occur anywhere in the brain causing a variety of problems with vision, cognition (thinking), speaking, mobility, and memory.  Hence, the...